Friday, March 26, 2010

Federal Vision Friday: Outside Perspective on the Siouxlands FV Controversy

For the next few months Fridays will include writings from my fellow pastor, Wes White. These articles are mostly informative and sometimes provocative. I cannot speak of some of the issue first hand, but I implicitly trust his research (since I researched the FV issues a few years back first hand).

This article in particular is the place to start to know the happenings out West:

"The article below was published in The Standard Bearer, Vol. 86, Issue 11, 3/1/2010, the denominational magazine of the Protestant Reformed Church. Rev. Spronk provides such an excellent critique of the issues in Siouxlands that I asked their permission to republish it on my blog. They agreed. Here it is.

Update: Federal Vision on Trial in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)

[continued here].

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