Sunday, April 12, 2009

A True Reformation

There is much talk about reforming the church. Rick Warren of A Purpose Driven Life asserted: “It [this Second Reformation] is not going to be about what does the church believe, but about what is the church doing.” Others follow a similar path of doing: wanting fathers to do more. Others want the church to do more.

Yet in the context of massive and extensive Biblical ignorance, should deeds be stressed at the expense of creeds? 57% of polled “evangelicals” believe there are other ways to heaven. Three to six percent, according to ten years of Barna polling, have a Christian worldview. Creeds and deeds must both exist, but every Reformation, from the OT to the 1500s and the Great Awakenings of early America all began with a return to truth. True beliefs are the foundations for true actions. Actions with false beliefs are no different than Jews offering technically-correct sacrifices to Moloch—or unbelieving Americans helping the poor in the name of their own version of God.

This periodic column will present a clarion call back to the principles and practices of yesteryear. Now is the time for repentance; now is the time for fasting; now is the time for prayer for God’s mighty Spirit to bring us to our knees. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to gather a Second Reformation.

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