This was good for me and bad for them.
It was good for me because having these questions answered left more time for my brain to launch a counter-attack. It was bad for them because it left time for my brain to launch a counter-attack.
The primary thrust of their presentation was the claim that Islam means the "middle-way"--it is a system of moderation, neither communal or individualistic, communistic or capitalistic, realist or nominalist--they were right down the middle. And because of this (excessive?) moderation, they wished to meet the Christian audience upon a common ground of brotherhood, peace and love. Polemics were bypassed. Debate was eschewed in favor of a vanilla agreement upon these "universally human ideals".
Yeah, right.
Now, dear reader, you and I have both seen plenty of comedy shows and action thrillers wherein the hero verbally aces the protagonist. He sets up the question (which the audience sees as the obvious logical trap that it is), places the carrot and lures in the intended victim.

The victim is hopelessly caught.
Game. Set. Match.
It always looks easy on TV. I never could pull it off in real life. Or could I..?
I innocently queried the speaker: "In what way is 'brotherhood' a common concept between Muslims & Christians?"
"Well," sagely responded my the speaker. "we both agree that we are all human."
"Yes," I sagely responded, "but having differing concepts of God, we have differing concepts of man."
"True," the speaker cautiously responded, "but we both have prophets that we follow--in fact we accept Christ as a prophet."
"True," I boldly responded, "but our prophet is not merely a man, but God Himself. Thus, our brotherhood as believers is neither rooted in our common humanity, biology or mere men. It is rooted in the God-Man, Christ Jesus, He who unites those who believe in Him."
Another man jumped in to save the drowning speaker, "We both have 'brotherhood.' So, that is what we have in common."
"Communist believe in the 'brotherhood' of man as well," I calmly replied, "They use the word, but fill it with different content. Just because groups use the same word it does not follow that the same concept is employed."
Wearily, softly and feebly, the speaker finished the friendly debate: "You are correct. Our concepts of brotherhood are different..."

"Oh, we can talk about love if you wish..." I smiled, patiently hanging the carrot high.
1 comment:
a person comes to you offering peace and all you can do is mock him. how very christ-like of you. you should be ashamed of thinking that you "won" anything
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