In the one year anniverary of Katrina, the great gurus and thinkers of America rattle off many and sundry lessons learned from that terrible time. Movies and documentaries (I use the word loosly) are being shown as well. blaming the government, the infrastructure or that long-standing incipient evil in the hearts of everyone else but the accuser: racism. I suppose, knowing Americans, that some church somewhere is also preaching on this topic. I republisih this three part-series in the hope that others will find the real reason for this disaster.
Thousands are presumed dead in the Gulf Coast area.
Hundreds of thousands are stranded in New Orleans.
Millions, if not billions, of damage wrought in one storm.
And people are asking, “Where is God?”
Anger bubbles from deep within the souls of thousands of angry people: “What kind of God allows this!” They are blaming God for the disaster.
And they should. He did it. He controls all things in creation.
But why?
Some talk show hosts try to calm people down by reversing the question: “Why has God blessed America all these years?” Or they wish not to speculate at all, glibly replying, “We need to help one another and bring the best out of the American people.”
However, Christians know that all things work for their good and for God’s glory (Rom. 8:32; Rom. 11:36). Furthermore, we know that since there are no longer prophets today, we must be careful in our evaluations.
But this is not all: Christ informs us of at least one reason why bad things happen:“Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? "I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." (Luke 13:4, 5).
When such disaster strikes—contrary to some misguided caller to the Medved show—its not because New Orleans was more wicked than San Francisco; one reason for disasters is to bring a wake up call to mankind: the world is full of sin and sinners; we no longer live in paradise.
Americans like to think that God is far away and irrelevant in life. Any prosperity gained is credited to ourselves; any advancements in life is honored to lady luck. Yet when things go bad and calamity knocks on our door—suddenly, it’s God’s fault.
In reality, as Jesus points out, everyone sins—all rebel and hate God, seeking their own desires and following their own lusts (Roms. 1:24ff.). The tower did not fall on some because they were more sinful—it fell because they were sinful. Period.
This is a wake up call. Americans better repent or they will perish.
And they’ll have no one to blame but themselves.
I blame it on people living in a hurricane prone area.
The tower of Siloam did not fall on those men because they were more wicked then other men, true, but fire destroyed Sodom and Gomorah because there wickedness went up before God.
Now God would have spared the entire city if he would have found at least 10 righteous people there. Perhaps if Lot had taken dominion as he sat in the gates of the city then the city may have been spared for the sake of 10 righteous people, but Lot did not.
Perhaps New Orleans would have been spared, not if the whole city was righteous, but maybe if the Church there would of done it's job and taken dominion and proclaimed the word of God in the gates of that city.
The tower of Siloam did not fall on those men because they were more wicked then other men, true, but fire destroyed Sodom and Gomorah because there wickedness went up before God.
Now God would have spared the entire city if he would have found at least 10 righteous people there. Perhaps if Lot had taken dominion as he sat in the gates of the city then the city may have been spared for the sake of 10 righteous people, but Lot did not.
Perhaps New Orleans would have been spared, not if the whole city was righteous, but maybe if the Church there would of done it's job and taken dominion and proclaimed the word of God in the gates of that city.
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