Monday, July 24, 2006

FV Critique Commended by General Assembly of OPC

As many are already aware, the General Assembly commended the critique of the Federal Vision written by her committee.

But what does that mean? Let the Prefatory Statement speak for itself:

"In commending the report for study, the Assembly approved the content and reasoning of the report. The Assembly did not take any action to endorse every word of the document or make the report itself a part of our constitution (which would have to be approved by the General Assembly and presbyteries in the manner provided in the Form of Government for the amendment of the constitution); nor was the document written with that purpose in mind."

I know some in other sister-churches and those symphatic to the OPC may wish a different approach but this is how such issues are normally tackled here. This report is commended to the Presbyteries. It was requested that the sesssions, churches and Presbyteries be "proactive" in dealing with this issue. Some have already been doing just that (Providence OPC, Denver).

If there are those in disagreement with the Bible and the Standards on such a serious manner as justification (and like related issues as rightfully noted in the report), they ought to change their minds or leave. If some are found out of accord, then they will be gently admonished to change their views in line with the Word of God. If they do not, charges may follow.

As I understand the GA and the report (as I was at GA), we are basically rejecting this new paradigm. And we are warning everyone accordingly.

This is no little matter. Some are saying that our justification depends upon our faithfulness instead of faith alone. Others are saying that those truly sanctified, forgiven, etc. can lose their salvation. (More will be said latter; see here for more info and critiques).

May God protect our small and weak Church.
May she depend upon Christ and His righteousness alone. Amen.

[Here is the OPC report access; here is the actual PDF report].

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